Pauls Impact Statement
Impact Statement March 2010
Paul R Blomberg
Seasons, a time for everything, the season was late fall of 1977 and our special gift from God
was due and being a gift, we did not know the gender, but it did not matter, for we only had one
name for our gift and that was "Samantha."
Now a new season with a Samantha. Then a short season and Samantha was joined by a
The seasons slipped by six then seven and how they did fly. Samantha the eldest, the one in
charge not only of her brother, but the neighborhood pack. The season of her teen years soon
The season of a daughter becoming a young women with the most gorgeous red hair was now
The sharing of Samantha's aches and joys, like the season our family had a small ranch on the
snake river in Owyhee County. I would sometimes take Samantha, Matthew and a friend
of theirs out for the day or weekend and if they were going to ride motor bikes or ATVs there
were strong rules for safety.
Anyway, I'm out there on an old cat tractor and I look across the field and Matthew and
Samantha's friend Janelle are traveling at a very safe speed, and then I look way out in front and
all I see is dust and red hair blowing out from under the helmet. Samantha's aches and joys are
about to begin, and I wouldn't trade them for anything. The joy of seeing her riding in the wind
and sharing the aches of a broken collarbone while the whole time I'm thanking God
Samantha is OK.
you just may here a Christmas song to two.
My heart would pound with love and joy when I would here Samantha say "Daddy.”
A new season, and how proud I am to walk Samantha down the isle and give her hand to a fine
young man. A beautiful new season for Dan and Samantha with lots of love and hopes and joys.
And also a Dads love and hope that there maybe grandchildren and that his daughter Samantha
will be close by in a Dad's winter season of life as my sister was there for my Dad.
The seasons for Samantha are no more, the family glue is dry, the words I prayed to here "Daddy
you're going to be a grandpa" are not to be, and Christmas songs in July are something of the
And now I give thanks to God for the gift of seasons with my Samantha.
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